Property Management

What is noise monitoring and why do I need it?

House party

You’ve finally made the wise and financially responsible decision to turn your humble abode into a rental property. (Great!) Now, with your newfound entrepreneurial spirit, you’re probably wondering how to protect your investment without coming across as intrusive to your guests. Fortunately, there’s something called noise monitoring that helps property managers across the globe stay worry-free.

Tired of dealing with complaints from neighbors and noise violations in their apartment building, the brilliant minds of Nacho and Eduardo Suárez came together in 2015 to create what we know today as Roomonitor. Since then, their company has evolved, and they’ve set their sights on the vacation rental and urban accommodation sectors, thanks to advances in noise monitoring technology.

You’re probably wondering, “What exactly is noise monitoring? I want to know more.” Now that we’ve caught your attention, let’s dive into what noise monitoring is and why you need it.

What is noise monitoring exactly?

Noise monitoring, as the name suggests, is the act of monitoring noise levels. This technology allows apartment owners to rest easy, knowing that the noise levels in their property are under control, even when they’re not present. To accurately measure sound levels, noise monitoring devices calculate decibels, which allows us to track noise levels in real-time. Low noise equals low decibels. High noise results in a high decibel reading.

How can noise monitoring help me?

1. Roomonitor and Social Sustainability

At Roomonitor, we are committed to social sustainability by addressing one of the main challenges in managing tourist accommodations: noise. Our real-time noise monitoring technology enables property owners and managers to keep sound levels in check, ensuring peaceful coexistence between tourists and neighbors.

By identifying and proactively managing noise, we help reduce disturbances that can impact local communities. This not only enhances the guest experience but also respects the well-being of residents, promoting a more peaceful and sustainable environment.

With our innovative solution, Roomonitor contributes to more responsible tourism, balancing guest satisfaction with the needs of the communities that welcome them. Together, we’re building a future where tourism and social harmony coexist.

2. Prevent damage to your property

When tenants decide to throw a party at your property, it can quickly spiral into a full-blown disaster. Loud music at unreasonable hours, carelessly slamming doors, beer pong mishaps, and alcohol spills that stain carpets—there’s also broken appliances, stolen or lost items. Not only do you have to deal with repairs, but also cleaning services and angry neighbors complaining about the noise!

Our smart home technology property owners to receive text messages, phone calls, and/or emails if a noise alarm is triggered in the property. This way, you can conveniently monitor your property’s sound levels 24/7 from your phone. (Trust us, you’ll be thankful for this!)

Dashboard monitorización de ruido de Roomonitor

Dashboard monitorización de ruido de Roomonitor

3. Know when guests are in your home

Being a rental property manager comes with a lot of responsibility, and you won’t always be there to keep an eye on everything. Many cleaning appointments and routine maintenance visits at your rental will happen without your supervision. These are essential to ensuring that your guests arrive to a clean and welcoming environment.

On the flip side, not all visitors are welcome at your property. Thieves often get familiar with the routines of property owners, planning the perfect time to steal valuables without getting caught. (According to statistics, the average $2,000 per burglary incident!) Why leave your property vulnerable to loss and damage when it can be easily protected?

By using Roomonitor, you’ll receive instant alerts whenever guests—welcome or otherwise—enter your property. Our noise monitoring technology will save you hundreds, if not thousands, of euros.

4. Deal with false complaints with proof

We all know that one nosy neighbor. You know, the one who tries to make your life as difficult as possible. (Yes, that one!) It’s likely that if you allow short-term renters to stay in your property, that nosy neighbor will try to ruin your guests’ vacations with excessive complaints about trivial matters. Worse still, they may even file false complaints with exaggerated lies about what actually happened at your property while you were away.

With noise monitoring sensors, you’ll know the status of your property at all times. Roomonitor also conveniently provides a tool that lets you access records of what happened on any given date since the installation of the device. This is another way Roomonitor can help you save hundreds by avoiding fines and unnecessary expenses!

5. Demonstrate responsibility as a neighbor

It’s clear that trust and respect from your neighbors don’t come overnight. Wouldn’t you hate to damage that relationship due to a single incident that you could have easily prevented? With noise monitoring sensors, you can show your neighbors that you’re a responsible property manager who cares about your properties. You’ll also strengthen your relationship with your community, showing your nearby neighbors that you value the state of your neighborhood.

Roomonitor device

Roomonitor device

6. Easy installation and setup

Peace of mind is more than enough reason to try noise monitoring for your vacation rental. (And, on top of that, it’s easy to use!) Not only is noise monitoring convenient, thanks to Roomonitor, it’s also simple to install. The setup process is incredibly straightforward!

  • Find the best spot in your property to place your noise monitoring equipment. (We suggest the living room, since gatherings tend to happen there.)
  • Plug the noise monitoring device into the provided adapter.
  • Connect Roomonitor to your Wi-Fi.
  • Start monitoring noise levels using your laptop, phone, or tablet! Our system lets you adjust settings according to your personal preferences.

Can it get any easier? No messy cables or complicated installation processes with Roomonitor

Noise monitoring is the new way to secure your property without invading your guests’ privacy. Since our noise monitoring sensors don’t record anything during their readings, your guests won’t have to worry about any privacy violations. With convenient noise monitoring, you’ll save money, improve your relationship with the community, and protect the well-being of your rental property, all at once. Become a responsible and proactive property manager, and prevent potential disasters with Roomonitor today!