Roomonitor - Noise Aalarm

Temperature sensor

Humidity sensor

VOC sensor

Tobacco sensor

Bluetooth connection

WiFi connection

USB-C charger

Battery system

Your safe tourist apartments with roomonitor

Control noise, overcrowding, or tobacco smoke
Avoid neighbor complaints and enhance your guests’ stay

Continuous monitoring

Real-time property noise level control, 24/7. Prevent parties and property damage. We’ll notify you of unusual noise via call, SMS, email, or mobile app – you decide!

Tobacco smoke detection

By activating the smoke detection feature, you can ensure there is no smoking inside your property. Avoid bad odors and complaints from future guests.

Advanced analysis and privacy

No cameras or sound recording are used; only noise levels are measured, ensuring guest privacy. It’s also a passive intelligent system, that recognizes noise patterns and alerts you when the established threshold is exceeded.

100% customizable

Easily customize settings from the control panel to address your concerns, which allows you to control and protect only the aspects that interest you.

Roomonitor listens for you

Your peace of mind is our priority

From the comfort of your smartphone, computer, or tablet, you can ensure both guests and neighbors enjoy a better experience. Secure your property by controlling sound, occupancy, and smoke.

Smoke detection

Smoke control in your property

If despite the prohibition, your guests smoke indoors, with Roomonitor, you’ll no longer have this problem. Thanks to our system, you can detect when smoking occurs in your property and inform tenants that this practice is prohibited.

Avoid bad odors and complaints from new guests. Choose our technology for peace of mind, knowing that everything is fine in your accommodation.


Latest news

Here you’ll find the latest updates on neighborly coexistence, new tourist accommodation policies, new partnerships, and other topics of interest.

Plug and Play

Easy installation, intuitive use

It’s a straightforward system that only takes a few minutes to install. We recommend installing it where guests usually gather, such as the living room. If you have multiple spaces like a kitchen or garden, we recommend installing one in each.

Our user-friendly app works on any device, so you can stay informed from your mobile, computer, or tablet.

Roomonitor sensor de ruido

Roomonitor in the media

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Roomonitor with global presence

Expanding internationally

From the comfort of your smartphone, computer, or tablet, you can maintain harmony in your properties from anywhere in the world. Our remote services can intervene globally and in person in over 9 European cities.